Friday, May 31, 2013

Melchizedek, king of Salem

Who are these: Melchizedek, king of Salem, Abraham, and God Most High, the Lord Jesus ? a priest of God Most High . . . Where are we going with this ? And these "places" : Salem, Zion . . . I im-plore to be given what it takes to ex-plore this . . . How about this "melech"::"zedech"ummm. Wise king: What makes him wise? Where does his wisdom come from ? Why is he wise, as opposed to not being wise ? ummm. Watcha' think? What is wisdom ? Is wisdom something to have, or something to be ? Are having and being at odds with each other . . . Can I have without being, and can I be without having ? Who cares about wisdom ? You will respond: "the wise one" of course // And I ask you: and who is he ? First, to care about something, one must first understand that something = know that "something" ... Then, to know wisdom is to be wise . . . And to be wise is to have wisdom... Go back a little bit :: What is it? wisdom ? wisdom is to be, not to have. Being wise is wisdom... Most, or perhaps some want to find it in me, that is to say, outside of you. But because you are wise, wisdom is you, in you...In your being wise, your wisdom is in you. Wisdom calls, and never ceases to call... She, wisdom, wants to come out from you: Wisdom wants to be you...Wisdom is bliss. To be happy is to be wise. There is something, or someone higher, and better. I have liberty = I am free . . . It is in me to be wise, to be free. to be continued . . .

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