Am I doing what God wants, or do I want what God is doing?
Is it possible to be a Christian in this time and age?
Is the name Christian outdated and archaic? Do you, do I, do we call ourselves Christians?
Is it what we understand to be a Christian what a Christian is? How many understandings of being a Christian are there?
Christian is the name of something and of someone anointed with holy chrism.
Was I born to be a Christian? Am I destined to be a Christian? Is someone a Christian by choice or by birth or both? But many do not consider themselves Christians. Ask a person from any other religious tradition if she is a Christian. Then, wait for the answer and learn something new; you might be surprised by the answers given to you. Some could answer: I am not a Christian, what is a Christian, how can I be something or someone I don’t know much about it. What if the question bounces back to you: “Are you.”?
What would you answer to that? Or better to say, what would prompt you to say yes? Behind that yes there is an infinite number of possibilities. Hence, a Christian is someone with an infinite number of possibilities. There is no single definition of Christian that can be applied to all. Why do I say so? Because, every life is single, unique, and original.
A Christian is not made, but rather being made. How do I know this? I know it because I know it. Are all Christians, Christians? No. Are all Muslim and Jews not Christians? No. Christians are not defined by the name of a given religious tradition. In other words, there are Christians everywhere even inside the Church and outside of it. To be a Christian is to be for the only and one God. What do I mean by that. I know because it is inside of me. You need to stay quiet in order to understand. A Christian is someone who is for the truth. Pilate replied: “What is the truth?” Christ said: “I am the truth.” Boy, for someone to say that there are only two choices: one, he has a mad man, or second, he was true. In this regard, all men and women who come to this world are defined by Christ, even when they do not it, and no matter in what religious tradition the person might find herself into. Including those who call themselves Christian. But I know that some people do not wish to be named Christian, because they do not consider themselves to be Christian, and yet they posses the features resembling Christ. On the other hand, there are people who bear the name Christians, including Catholics, who do not resemble Christ. Therefore, there are some features making us resemble Christ, and not the name Christian.
Pensamientos, ideas, experiencias, hallazgos, literatura, música, ciencia, historia, geopolitica, asuntos actuales, artes, etc... Thoughts, ideas, experiences, findings, literature, music, science, history, geopolitics, current afffairs,arts, etcetera 思想,观念,经验,发现,文学,音乐,科学,历史,地缘政治,时事,艺术等 Les pensées, les idées, d'expériences, des conclusions, littérature, musique, sciences, histoire, géopolitique, l'actualité, les arts, etc
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