Am I doing what God wants, or do I want what God is doing?
Is it possible to be a Christian in this time and age?
Is the name Christian outdated and archaic? Do you, do I, do we call ourselves Christians?
Is it what we understand to be a Christian what a Christian is? How many understandings of being a Christian are there?
Christian is the name of something and of someone anointed with holy chrism.
Was I born to be a Christian? Am I destined to be a Christian? Is someone a Christian by choice or by birth or both? But many do not consider themselves Christians. Ask a person from any other religious tradition if she is a Christian. Then, wait for the answer and learn something new; you might be surprised by the answers given to you. Some could answer: I am not a Christian, what is a Christian, how can I be something or someone I don’t know much about it. What if the question bounces back to you: “Are you.”?
What would you answer to that? Or better to say, what would prompt you to say yes? Behind that yes there is an infinite number of possibilities. Hence, a Christian is someone with an infinite number of possibilities. There is no single definition of Christian that can be applied to all. Why do I say so? Because, every life is single, unique, and original.
A Christian is not made, but rather being made. How do I know this? I know it because I know it. Are all Christians, Christians? No. Are all Muslim and Jews not Christians? No. Christians are not defined by the name of a given religious tradition. In other words, there are Christians everywhere even inside the Church and outside of it. To be a Christian is to be for the only and one God. What do I mean by that. I know because it is inside of me. You need to stay quiet in order to understand. A Christian is someone who is for the truth. Pilate replied: “What is the truth?” Christ said: “I am the truth.” Boy, for someone to say that there are only two choices: one, he has a mad man, or second, he was true. In this regard, all men and women who come to this world are defined by Christ, even when they do not it, and no matter in what religious tradition the person might find herself into. Including those who call themselves Christian. But I know that some people do not wish to be named Christian, because they do not consider themselves to be Christian, and yet they posses the features resembling Christ. On the other hand, there are people who bear the name Christians, including Catholics, who do not resemble Christ. Therefore, there are some features making us resemble Christ, and not the name Christian.
Pensamientos, ideas, experiencias, hallazgos, literatura, música, ciencia, historia, geopolitica, asuntos actuales, artes, etc... Thoughts, ideas, experiences, findings, literature, music, science, history, geopolitics, current afffairs,arts, etcetera 思想,观念,经验,发现,文学,音乐,科学,历史,地缘政治,时事,艺术等 Les pensées, les idées, d'expériences, des conclusions, littérature, musique, sciences, histoire, géopolitique, l'actualité, les arts, etc
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Friendship is very good for us :
Yeah, we spend time, energy, and in general many resources into some things (good and necessary ) different than friendship.
I hope that you and I will take the time, and offer ourselves the space so that we can cultivate the precious gift of friendship.
To keep and maintain friends, we need to practice things like: care, interest into what interest our fiends, listening with the eyes and with the heart, beyond than listening just with the heart.
Friends are free, no body own any one. And we are free to stay or walk away. However, there are some things that bound friends together. We cannot just abandon them under the direction of our or another's wimps. Other wise, we were never true friends. Yes, friends need their own space. True, however friends need to see each other, to spend time together, to do creative things together, such as creating something new, a poem, a song, a community, a meal, enjoying a concert together, visiting the sick together, praising God together.
Freedom in friendship means, I do not own my friend, neither my friend owns me. There is a sense of freedom and respect of each other vital space.
Above all, a true friend is a mirror who let us to see our true self in it. What is in my heart and in my mind, does not go unnoticed. My name in friendship is a treasure to my friend, and my friend's name is a treasure to myself. Now I thank you Lord of heaven and earth for letting me taste and see the goodness of friendship.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Escuchar la homilía de Monseñor Ricardo Ramirez

Excelentísimo Monseñor Ricardo Ramirez, C.S.B.
Una homilía acerca de la Corresponsabilidad Católica en la celebración de la Eucaristía en la Conferencia Internacional de la Corresponsabillidad Católica 2009 en Dallas, Texas.

Excelentísimo Monseñor Ricardo Ramirez, C.S.B.
Una homilía acerca de la Corresponsabilidad Católica en la celebración de la Eucaristía en la Conferencia Internacional de la Corresponsabillidad Católica 2009 en Dallas, Texas.

Catholic Stewardship has something to say to the world. Is the world ready to listen?
If ready listen here:
Stewardship Message 1
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Cardenal Oscar Andrés Rodriguez
La Ceremonia de apertura de la Conferencia Internacional de “Catholic Stewardship.”
La ceremonia comenzó con “visperas”, la oración vespertina. Después se hizo la entrega de reconocimientos a individuos, parroquias, o dioceses que se han destacado durante este año por su manera tan creativa de enseñar y promover la Corresponsabilidad.
La presentación de apertura estuvo a cargo del Cardenal Oscar Andrés Rodriguez Maradiaga, S.D.B. Arsobispo de Tegucigalpa, Hunduras y Presidente de “Caritas Internationalis” :
Lo siguiente son notas que tome durante la presentación del Cardenal Rodriguez. Si les interesa oir la presentación completa, les sugioro que contacten directamente al “ICSC” para ordenar un audio CD.
El Cardenal dijo que el término “stewardship” no tiene un término equivalente en el castellano. “No es mayordomía ni administración”, dijo. El dijo que ellos (allá en Honduras), “stewarship” lo traducen como correspons-habilidad; es decir, por medio de dos palabras cooperación = correspons, y habillida; es decir tener la habilidad para cooperar con el plan que Dios tiene para la humanidad.
La corresponsabilidad, dijo el Cardenal, es sentirnos iglesia y darle a la iglesia el sustento de la pastoral. Es no solo dar cosas, sino darse a si mismo. Pero esto no es possible si no hay conversión individual y pastoral. El Cardenal citó los documentos de “Aparecida”: “Copy/paste this link” para leer los documentos de Aparecida, Brazil.
La Corresponsabilida es una respuesta a la conversión pastoral. El Cardenal hizo también extensas citas de la la encíclica “caritas in veritate”
El Cardenal habló de la economía global y de nuestro camino hacia Damasco. Ya hemos experoimentado nuestro propio Jericó: Chequen también el sitio del “Fondo Monetario Internacional” :
El Cardenal mencionó como los medios de comunicación no le dan importancia al synodo de Africa que se está llevando a cabo ahora … A los medios de comunicación les encantan los escandalos.
Ya el Papa Paulo VI había afirmado “ The new way of peace is development.” El Camino Nuevo de la Paz, es el desarrollo.” Hay dinero para rescatar a los bancos, pero no hay dinero para rescatar a los pobrres, afirmó. Tan solo en Estados Unidos, el paquete de rescate consistió en 800 billones de dolares.
Luego dijo: “ in 2009 and 2010, economics must take place of egonomics. Not to mention climate change or what the Cardinal called “ climate justice” as our responsibility in caring for our environment. Inequality threatens the American dream.
The Cardinal even quoted from Tony Atkinson and mentioned how President Rosevelt faced the 1930’s recession:
The wealth is concentrated in 30% or less of the population, the rest are getting poorer and poorer.
Desde el principio Dios ha sido corresponsable con nosotros. Dios es fiel a nosotros, cree en nosotros y espera de nosotros a pesar de todo.
These are only a few of the ideas presented by Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodriguez on this first day of the Conference. Stay tuned for more. From Dallas, TX. Padre Jaime
La ceremonia comenzó con “visperas”, la oración vespertina. Después se hizo la entrega de reconocimientos a individuos, parroquias, o dioceses que se han destacado durante este año por su manera tan creativa de enseñar y promover la Corresponsabilidad.
La presentación de apertura estuvo a cargo del Cardenal Oscar Andrés Rodriguez Maradiaga, S.D.B. Arsobispo de Tegucigalpa, Hunduras y Presidente de “Caritas Internationalis” :
Lo siguiente son notas que tome durante la presentación del Cardenal Rodriguez. Si les interesa oir la presentación completa, les sugioro que contacten directamente al “ICSC” para ordenar un audio CD.
El Cardenal dijo que el término “stewardship” no tiene un término equivalente en el castellano. “No es mayordomía ni administración”, dijo. El dijo que ellos (allá en Honduras), “stewarship” lo traducen como correspons-habilidad; es decir, por medio de dos palabras cooperación = correspons, y habillida; es decir tener la habilidad para cooperar con el plan que Dios tiene para la humanidad.
La corresponsabilidad, dijo el Cardenal, es sentirnos iglesia y darle a la iglesia el sustento de la pastoral. Es no solo dar cosas, sino darse a si mismo. Pero esto no es possible si no hay conversión individual y pastoral. El Cardenal citó los documentos de “Aparecida”: “Copy/paste this link” para leer los documentos de Aparecida, Brazil.
La Corresponsabilida es una respuesta a la conversión pastoral. El Cardenal hizo también extensas citas de la la encíclica “caritas in veritate”
El Cardenal habló de la economía global y de nuestro camino hacia Damasco. Ya hemos experoimentado nuestro propio Jericó: Chequen también el sitio del “Fondo Monetario Internacional” :
El Cardenal mencionó como los medios de comunicación no le dan importancia al synodo de Africa que se está llevando a cabo ahora … A los medios de comunicación les encantan los escandalos.
Ya el Papa Paulo VI había afirmado “ The new way of peace is development.” El Camino Nuevo de la Paz, es el desarrollo.” Hay dinero para rescatar a los bancos, pero no hay dinero para rescatar a los pobrres, afirmó. Tan solo en Estados Unidos, el paquete de rescate consistió en 800 billones de dolares.
Luego dijo: “ in 2009 and 2010, economics must take place of egonomics. Not to mention climate change or what the Cardinal called “ climate justice” as our responsibility in caring for our environment. Inequality threatens the American dream.
The Cardinal even quoted from Tony Atkinson and mentioned how President Rosevelt faced the 1930’s recession:
The wealth is concentrated in 30% or less of the population, the rest are getting poorer and poorer.
Desde el principio Dios ha sido corresponsable con nosotros. Dios es fiel a nosotros, cree en nosotros y espera de nosotros a pesar de todo.
These are only a few of the ideas presented by Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodriguez on this first day of the Conference. Stay tuned for more. From Dallas, TX. Padre Jaime
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
He calls you and me
This might sound strange to some. However, the Lord Jesus calls every one, men and women to follow him, and to offer them a new life in Him.
Pray with me:
Lord Jesus, I want to know you for whom you truly are. I want to see you face to face. I thank you for every thing you have done for me. I thank you for your saving power in the sacrifice you made for me on the cross. Thank you Lord Jesus; in exchange, I want to give you my life; Lord Jesus I truly trust in You because you are the Son of the Living God.
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