40 dias.
Cuaresma. Cuarenta, Forty, Lent...
At the time of childhood and teenage years, and even into adulthood, Lent brought a shift in the menu of things we had at the table to eat when we were hungry. Counting still with my grandmother being around, she knew the recipes which gave the meals the lenten flavors.
Lent took me by surprise. My parents were not very much religious, and yet this religious tradition was affecting even the flavors of our meals. We did go to get our in heads some ashes, and we were told "remember you dust and unto dust you shall return." Well that was kind of harsh to hear the I was made of dust, and that I would be dust again. Now my problems were just beginning. I had been born with a natural questioning and wandering mind. This is what went in my mind at the time: "If I am dust, why can I talk, write, think, reason, make calculations, and feel emotions? I must have been made of a very sophisticated dust. Buy for how long will this dust be able to operate with such a marvelous functions? Well, this is how my questioning began. Where and how should start to investigate these matters, was my next question.
I first took the approach of observing how other people who lived before mer, and have been gone for a while, had reply to these or similar questions. But who, and in what areas of human professions will be better prepared to give an answer to my questions. To come up good answers became complicated by the fact the we have many facets or sides. The filosopher, the psychologist, the anthropologist, the theologian, the politician, the artist, the scientist, the poet, the priest, the Pontiff, all had interesting things to say. My quest had started. I was sixteen years. I knew I was going to have to press forward. Academia appeared as a way to stay on track; and so I went to Kinder Garden, two years; Primary School, six years; Secundary school, three years, Technical school, four years; Engineering, five years... After working for two years, more academia; Philosophy and Theology, six years...
Just as yours, the book of my life is still being written. I will tell you more later on,